December 22- December 28, 2013
Market Outlook
The Iceberg market is steady with good supplies out of Yuma. Expect to see epidermal peel and blistering along the ribs due to several days of freeze in the fields.
Leaf market is steady with good supplies out of Yuma. The freeze that has affected quality on lettuce will be having a similar effect on leaf.
Broccoli supplies are short again due to cooler weather – this has caused the market to rise.
The cauliflower market has risen but will most likely not continue to trend higher. The same cooler weather that caused broccoli to be short has also caused cauliflower to be in short supplies.
Carrot market is on the rise do to availability, quality is still very good.
The Celery market is higher with holiday pull beginning and with good supplies out of Oxnard. Quality has been very good.
We have been in full swing now with Florida berries. Quality is getting better. Price is still high for Florida crop.
The market on cartons has spiked a bit this week and will continue to inch up over the holiday and into the New Year.
The market on Onions has gone up slightly and will continue to remain very strong into January.
The Lemon and Orange market is stronger due to very cold weather in the growing region. Shippers are struggling to come up with small fruit. 113’s and 138’s are particularly tough to find.
The Cucumber market has tightened up this week with some cool nights in the South. Availability will be tight for next week.
Pepper market has not changed much this week, quality has been good.
Tomato market is lower with good supplies.
California is experiencing unseasonably cold temperatures in all growing areas. The desert region is seeing freezing temperatures at night which delays harvest start time in the morning due to ice in the fields. Shippers are advising us that we will see some epidermal peel and freeze damage on lettuce and leaf items in the weeks to come.
Feature of the Week
This week Primo is featuring fennel. Fennel is a versatile vegetable that plays an important role in the food culture of many European nations, especially in France and Italy. Fennel is composed of a white or pale green bulb from which closely superimposed stalks are arranged. The stalks are topped with feathery green leaves near which flowers grow and produce fennel seeds. The bulb, stalk, leaves and seeds are all edible.
Recipe of the Week
Pork Tenderloin with Apricot-Fennel Ragout
3 tablespoons grainy mustard
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Two 12-ounce pork tenderloins, tied with twine
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
4 large (or 8 medium) shallots, ends trimmed, peeled, and quartered
1 small fennel bulb, greens trimmed, cut into thin slices
1 1/2 cups homemade or low-sodium canned chicken stock
12 dried apricots
1/4 cup cognac
1 teaspoon fresh thyme, plus more for garnish
Step 1
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Combine mustards. Salt and pepper the pork; rub with mustards; sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Pat coating. Set aside.
Step 2
Heat a large heavy skillet over medium-high heat. Add 2 tablespoons oil. Sear pork, turning, until brown on all sides, about 5 minutes. Remove from pan; set aside. Add remaining oil and butter to pan. Add shallots and fennel. Cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Add 1/2 cup stock; cook until liquid evaporates, 1 to 2 minutes.
Step 3
Return pork to pan; add apricots, 1/2 cup stock, and cognac. Roast in oven, stirring vegetables, until pork registers 160 degrees, about 20 minutes. Transfer pork to a cutting board; place pan over medium-low heat. Add remaining stock and thyme; stir, loosening brown bits from bottom. Simmer 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper; slice pork. Serve with vegetables and sauce. Garnish with thyme.
Fun Facts of the Week
- The root of the plant was one of the flavorings used in Sack, an alcoholic drink featuring mead that was popular during Shakespearian times.
- During the Middle Ages the seeds were chewed in church because it was thought they would prevent tummy rumbles from hunger pangs during long services.
- In Australia the non-bulbous form has become a major weed along roads and train lines.