Fall Ornamentals & Decorating Ideas
Painted Pumpkins
Items are special order only.
A 3 day pre order is required.
Cutie Pie
“Pumpkin Little” will be topped off with a decorative hat. Packed 12 per case.
Pie Pumpkin
The Baby Pam pumpkin weighs in at 3-4 lbs and is the size of a softball. They are packed 8 per box and wrapped in tissue to ensure a safe arrival.
Mini Pumpkin
The Hand Painted Mini Pumpkin comes in an assortment of 5 different designs. Packed 40 per case.
Face Pumpkin
“The Painted Face Pallet”
The pallet is packed 60 pumpkins with a variety of faces and ready for display
upon arrival.
The Painted face Pumpkin is also available in case packs. They are
packed 4 per box / 20 cases per pallet.

Large Pumpkins
Pumpkin by the Bin, 40/48ct
Pumpkin (12-18lbs), each
Pumpkin Giant, each
Pumpkin Painted, each
Medium Pumpkins
Pumpkin Lantern by the Bin, 80/100ct
Pumpkin (5-8lbs), each
Pumpkin Pie by the Bin, 200ct
Pumpkin Pie, bushel
Small Pumpkins
Pumpkin Jack Be Little, 1/2 bushel
Pumpkin Baby Pams, bushel
Pumpkin Mini White, 1/2 bushel
Pumpkin Mini Painted 12ct
Gourds, 1/2 bushel
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds, 5#
Gourds, Corn & Bales
Our fancy selection of brightly colored and warted gourds are available with a shellacked shiny clear finish.
Indian Corn
All of the Indian corn is dried to ensure a trouble free delivery.
Straw Bales
The standard size bale.
Corn Shocks
Every display needs a corn shock. They are
shipped 25 bundles to a bin. Sold by the bin, or by the bunch.