January 12-January 18, 2014
Market Outlook
The Iceberg market is a few dollars higher. Cooler temperatures and ice in the fields is pushing harvest start times back to 11:00 am or later. This late start time is putting pressure on overall availability. We are seeing minor quality defects on inbound affecting mainly the outer wrapper leaves.
Leaf market is a few dollars higher as well. We are seeing minor quality defects (pinking on rib, tip or fringe burn) on inbound. Overall quality is good.
Broccoli market is much stronger due to the cooler temperatures in the desert. Mexico is also struggling with supplies which puts us in a demand exceeds supply situation.
The cauliflower market is higher….really the same situation as broccoli.
Carrot market has taken a big jump in price due to availability in Canada. We will look to buy new crop out of Georgia in the coming weeks.
The Celery market is declining with better supplies becoming available out of both Oxnard and Yuma. Florida has also begun to harvest celery, but supplies are limited. Quality has been very good from the West coast.
Strawberry market has taken a jump with rain and cold in Florida. Product is very tight at shipping point with only limited harvest. Availability will be poor for the next week to ten days. Expect only fair to good quality.
The market on cartons has continued to rise this week. Increases in both fob and freight is the cause of overall higher pricing.
The market on Onions has also continued to go up and will get stronger as we get into January and February.
The Lemon and Orange market is stronger due to very cold weather in the growing region. Shippers are struggling to come up with small fruit. 113’s and 138’s are particularly tough to find.
The Cucumber market has also taken a jump due to cold weather in Florida. Cost is up and availability is limited. Quality will only be fair to good.
Pepper market has taken a jump this week due to availability. Again due to weather down south.
Tomato market has begun to tighten up. Both rounds and grapes are stronger by a few dollars. Cherries and romas have remained steady.
Very cold weather and strong winds have had an effect on all Florida and Southern vegetables. We can expect to see higher costs, poor availability and lesser quality across the entire product line.
Feature of the Week
This week Primo is featuring avocados. Fans have rallied around this once-feared source of healthy fat, and even better, recent studies have touted a positive trend between avocado consumption and overall diet quality. There are many domestic varieties of avocados, but the most common is Hass, grown primarily in California. It is covered with a pebbly, leathery skin, which changes from dark green to deep purple (almost black) as the fruit ripens. Choose heavy, undamaged fruit. An avocado that yields slightly to pressure is best for slicing and dicing; if pressure leaves a small indentation, the avocado is best mashed. Avoid very soft avocados, as they will be overripe and unusable.
Recipe of the Week
no-cook chocolate pudding
3 avocados
6 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/4 cup raw honey
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Sea salt
Puree avocados, cocoa powder, honey, and vanilla in a food processor until smooth. Sprinkle pudding with salt before serving.
Fun Facts of the Week
Avocados were once a luxury food reserved for the tables of royalty
The avocado is also called an Alligator Pear because of its pear-like shape and green skin
Avocados are one of the only fruits that contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fat (the good-for-you fat) that helps boost good (HDL) cholesterol and lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol.
There are 10 grams of fiber in one medium-sized avocado