July 14- July 20, 2013
Market Outlook
Market is stronger by a few dollars as shippers are not getting the expected yield from current harvest. Some product is suffering due to the extreme heat in California. So far, we have not experienced any drop in quality on inbound.
Romaine / leaf market has reacted and is moving up a few dollars for the same reasons as Iceberg. Growers are also planted back for the summer as some folks move to regional deals on leaf lettuces.
Broccoli market is steady. Quality remains good.
Cauliflower market continues on a rollercoaster ride and cost is a little lower. We are seeing good quality.
The Market on carrots is still tight. We will continue to source from Mexico.
Market remains steady. Quality has been very good. Michigan celery has started in a small way.
Quality has improved somewhat, however we are still seeing some minor bruising on inbound. Market is stronger.
Idaho market is getting extremely tight and cost is increasing almost daily. #2’s are very scarce. Most shippers are quoting marginal quality on the remainder of storage crop. Our orders are taking upwards of a week to ship from Idaho. The new crop is due to begin harvest in mid August.
Market on onions as not changed this week. We are sourcing out of Texas and New Mexico.
Market is steady on both lemons and oranges with good quality.
The market on cucumbers is active. With Florida and Georgia finished, and New Jersey still dealing with rain markets we are seeing a wide range in quality and diminished shelf life.
Pepper market is finishing up this week in the South. We will start with New Jersey next week.
Tomato market is up on rounds. South Carolina is done, and Virginia will not start until next week. Romas are stronger as Mexico crossings were much lighter due to rain. Grape and cherry market is very unsettled as there is a wide range on quality from varied shipping points.
*** California has experienced extremely hot temperatures over the last few weeks. We will likely see some quality issue begin to show due to the heat. We will continue to source the best product from the best shippers in an effort to minimize potential problems.
Feature of the Week
This week Primo is featuring corn. Good quality corn has full, evenly formed and filled ears with straight rows of kernels. The husks will be fresh-looking and bright green, and the silk ends free of decay or worm damage. Be sure the coloring of the kernels is bright and shiny. Pull back the husk and poke one of the kernels at the tip of the silk end with a finger-nail. If juice squirts out and is only slightly cloudy, it’s fresh. If the juice is thick or non-existent, the corn is old.
Recipe of the Week
Creamy Corn Casserole
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 eggs, beaten
1 (8.5 ounce) package dry corn bread mix
2 cups fresh corn kernals
1 (14.75 ounce) can creamed corn
1 cup sour cream
1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F, and lightly grease a 9×9 inch baking dish.
2.In a medium bowl, combine butter, eggs, corn bread mix, whole and creamed corn and sour cream. Spoon mixture into prepared dish.
3.Bake for 45 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the top is golden brown.
Fun Facts of the Week
- Maize is the proper word for corn, taken from the Indians of the New World who introduced it to European explorers and settlers.
- The word corn goes back to Biblical days, and means any particle of grain or any small pellet of anything. In some lands, corn meant wheat; in others it meant barley or oats.
- Aztec and Mayan civilizations were built on a corn economy, as corn provided food, currency, fuel, fodder for animals, silk for smoking, sugar and even fermented beverages.