November 17- November 23, 2013
Market Outlook
The Iceberg market is steady with Huron just about done, and Yuma just getting started.
Leaf market is steady to up a dollar or two. Quality has been good overall.
Broccoli supplies are very tight again as the Salinas season is winding down.
Market is very active and availability is poor. Quality has been good.
Cost has remained steady on jumbo carrots out of Canada. Quality is good.
The Celery market is stronger with the Thanksgiving holiday pull beginning. Quality has been very good..
Supplies continue to remain tight and the market is steady. Quality has been good on inbound.
The market has remained steady this week. There are deals to be made on bigger potatoes and sizing on #2 product is still on the bigger side.
Market on onions has remained steady this week, quality has been good, but freight has been up on shipping out of all areas.
Lemon supplies are improving, overall costs are coming down. Oranges are steady, but shippers are struggling to come up with small fruit. 113’s and 138’s are particularly tough to find.
Cucumber market has tightened up some due to cooler weather in the south .
Pepper market has remained on the higher side this week again. Quality has been good. Cold nights have been a factor on sizing. Also suntans are a tough item to find with color.
Tomato market is steady on rounds. Romas, Grapes and cherries are steady as well. Florida season is struggling to get going due to cooler weather.
** Most Western vegetable and lettuce shippers will be transitioning to the Arizona desert for the winter beginning 11/18. The transition From Salinas/ Huron to Yuma should be complete around Thanksgiving.
Feature of the Week
This week Primo is featuring leeks! The leek is a vegetable which belongs to the onion and garlic family. Leek has a mild onion-like taste, although less bitter than scallion. The taste might be described as a mix of mild onion and cucumber. It has a fresh smell similar to scallion. In its raw state, the vegetable is crunchy and firm.
Recipe of the Week
Creamy Potatoe Leek Soup
8 potatoes, peeled and cubed
4 cups chicken broth
1 pound bacon, cut into 1 inch pieces
3 leeks, sliced
1 cup heavy cream
1.In a large saucepan or stockpot, bring potatoes and chicken broth to a boil. Cook until potatoes are tender. Meanwhile, place bacon in a large, deep skillet. Cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Drain, reserving 3 tablespoons of grease and set aside. Sautee the leeks in the frying pan with the reserved bacon grease 8 to 10 minutes.
2.When the potatoes are tender, stir in the fried leeks, heavy cream and bacon. Stir to blend and remove from heat. Serve hot.
Fun Facts of the Week
- The Welsh are HUGE fans of the leek, In fact (along with the daffodil) they named it their National Emblem!
- Leeks are one of the easiest plants to grow in your home garden
- leeks date back to 4000 BC? It has been part of the Egyptians and Mesopotamia diet