November 22, 2020 – November 28, 2020
Lettuce is still active. Value added product is on double escalated prices. Expect better inventories next week, the week of Thanksgiving. Weights are ranging from 34-40 pounds in Yuma. The weather is expected to be ideal next week, which will inevitably increase production. Quality is fair.
The Leaf markets are still active. Expect to still see Tip and fringe burn as well as discoloration. Escalated pricing continues on all value added romaine and green leaf items. Supplies are expected to be better the week of Thanksgiving. Quality overall is fair.
Broccoli markets are still active. Yields are low coming out of Salinas due to quality and Yuma is still trying to ramp up. Supplies are going to be tight through November with fair quality. Mexican product has been available with quality being good.
Cauliflower market are active. Supplies continue to tighten with lower yields in Salinas and Santa Maria. Yuma is slow to ramp up supplies. Supplies will be tight through November with fair quality.
Carrot market is steady with good supplies. Look for this market to remain flat. Quality is good on recent inbounds from Canada. Snack pack and baby whole peeled production have reached their limits for coverage. We will be prorating 50% of your 8 week average.
This market is active but orders are being covered. Good supplies of product continues in Santa Maria/ Oxnard. This will continue through the month of November. Overall, the quality continues to be strong. If loading in Yuma for this commodity, shippers are charging a transfer fee so please be aware.
The Strawberry market is very active. Salinas area is done and shippers are moving south to Oxnard and Santa Maria. Florida berries will be starting end of November. Quality has been fair at best.
Potato market is steady. Quality has been good.
Onion market is steady. Quality has been good.
Overall citrus markets are steady. Navels have started with quality being good on inbound.
Cucumber markets are increasing due to the rain/hurricanes happening on the East coast. Quality is fair to good.
Pepper markets are active due to the rain/hurricanes happening on the East coast. Quality is fair to good.
Overall Tomato markets are very active. Florida has begun harvesting tomato fields following heavy rain & wind from Tropical Storm. Tomatoes are going into gas rooms & expected to have challenges in the box as product continues to ripen. The Central part of the state received heavy amounts of rain & crop loss is expected sending pricing upwards for the next several weeks. The market is adjusting to meet slowing demand following a second wave of social restrictions being implemented throughout the country. Round & Roma FOB’s are in the mid to high $20s and forecasted to improve with supply as new operations begin harvesting by Mid-December. Mexico is also working through diminished volume from heat damaged crops & harvesting new fields in December. Markets are expected to remain elevated the next 3-4 weeks.
Garlic Thyme Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Ingredients: •2 lbs sweet potatoes cut in 1/2 inch square cubes •3 tablespoons olive oil •1 teaspoon salt •1 teaspoon pepper •2 teaspoons garlic powder •1 tablespoon thyme leaves
Directions: •Preheat oven to 450F and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. •While oven preheats, cut sweet potatoes into small half inch pieces. •In a bowl, toss together chopped potatoes, olive oil, and spices. Make sure all pieces are evenly coated. •Spread out potatoes on lined baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes, then flip potatoes to make sure sides are getting evenly cooked. Bake potatoes for an additional 15 minutes until potatoes are crispy/browned.