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November 2nd, 2023 Market Report


Lettuce markets are steady. Salinas and Huron will continue to produce throughout the week. Yuma will be available from a few suppliers next week, followed by more the following week. In Salinas, lettuce weighs between 35 and 42 pounds. Huron lettuce has been a little heavier than usual. Quality is fair to good. 


Romaine markets are steady. There is production out of Salinas and Huron. Yuma will start next week, followed by more suppliers the following week. Slight fringe burn and insect damage are some common defects reported out of Salinas. Quality is fair to good. 

Romaine Heart markets are steady. There is production out of Salinas and Huron. Yuma will start next week, followed by more suppliers the following week. Slight fringe burn and insect damage are some common defects reported out of Salinas. Quality is fair to good. 

Green and Red Leaf markets are steady. There is production out of Salinas and Huron. Yuma will start next week, followed by more suppliers the following week. Slight fringe burn and insect damage are some common defects reported out of Salinas. Quality is fair to good. 

Lettuce Tender Leaf: 

Parsley, Cilantro, Arugula, Spring Mix, Arcadian, and Spinach are steady due to the current warmer days and cooler nights. Quality is slowly improving, but overall is fair to good. 


Markets are steady. The broccoli supply continues to be good. Quality and yields continue to improve. Quality is good. 


Markets are steady. The cauliflower supply is improving daily. Fields have been brought forward by recent warm weather, resulting in better supplies. Quality is good. 


Cello markets are slightly up out West. Canadian carrots remain strong and appear to be getting stronger. Quality is good. 

Loose market is steady. Quality is good. 

Value-add Snack Carrots are steady. Quality is good. 


Markets are increasing as we get ready for Thanksgiving demand. Southern California, production is heavy, while in Salinas, it is light. Quality is good. 

Strawberries & Bush Berries: 

Strawberry markets are up. A slight increase in crossings from Central Mexico is just beginning to be seen in this area. Currently, demand exceeds supply. Oxnard and Salinas are experiencing cooler days and shorter hours of sunlight, leading to low production. Shippers are prorating more than 50% on contracted business. Production will begin in Florida in early December. Quality is fair. 

Raspberry markets are steady. Good numbers are available crossing in from Baja California and Central Mexico. Fruit is beginning to cross into Laredo and McAllen Texas from Central Mexico. Quality is good. 

Blueberries markets are starting to soften. Both the West and East coasts are still offloading very small quantities of Peruvian offshore fruit from ocean containers. The Central Mexico production is expected to ramp up next week. Quality is fair to good. 

Blackberries markets are up and very active. Due to adverse weather patterns caused by hurricanes passing through the region of Central Mexico, this item continues to be in short supply. Shippers are prorating more than 50% of contracted business. Quality is fair. 


Now that Harvest is over, we expect the market to become more stable. Quality is good. 


The onion market is stable. There is a slight increase in price due to freight. Overall quality is good. 


Cucumber market is steady. Quality is good. 

Euro cucumbers markets are steady, but still tight. Canada is gapping and expect markets to be active until Mexico gets started in November. Quality is fair to good. 


Green bells market is steady. Quality is good. 

Red Pepper markets are steady, but expected to increase next week. Quality is good. 


Basil: We are still seeing minor quality issues. Overall, quality is fair to good. 


Orange markets remain strong and active. For the remainder of the Valencia season, 113ct and 138ct will remain at elevated prices. The peak sizes are 72ct and 88ct. During the week of 11/6, domestic navels will begin shipping. Quality is fair to good. 

Lemon markets remain strong and active. As District 2 nears the end of its season, markets remain elevated across the board. Lemons are tight across the board. District 3 (California desert/Arizona) has begun in a light way. Quality is fair to good. 

Lime Mexico will be celebrating Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) this week Tuesday through Thursday. Most growers will not be harvesting fruit during that time, with some of them also taking off Friday and Saturday. The growers we work with harvested heavy last Friday, Saturday, and today to make sure we have supplies for our business throughout the week. We are finally starting to see some benefits of all the rain Mexico has received the last few weeks, as sizing has started to improve, and we are seeing better volumes due to the increased sizes. This increased volume pushed the market down quite a bit since last week. Even with the tighter supplies projected at the end of the week, we look for the market to remain softer compared to last week. We continue to see stylar from the rains, and some skin breakdown, and will continue grading out all that we see before shipping. 


The grape market continues to be active, but steady. Several shippers believe they will have domestics through November. A short period of tight supply may occur at the start of December, but it does not appear that there will be a gap. Currently, the grape market has leveled off in price as the industry continues to harvest the remaining crop. For the remainder of the domestic season, the market will remain high and tight. Quality is fair to good. 


Markets are elevated and active on all varieties, particularly Romas, grapes, and cherries. With the winter months approaching, expect volatile markets through January, which is normal for this time of year. Expect light colors on Rounds for the next couple of weeks. 


Green Cartons: Markets are tightening up. Quality is good. 

Red Cartons: Markets are tightening up. Quality is good. 

Bagged Cabbage: Markets are tightening up. Quality is good. 

Market Alerts: 

The items listed below are being prorated by Shippers. 

1.) Blackberries 

2.) Strawberries