November 9-November 15, 2014
Market Outlook
The Iceberg market remains very active. Product is in very short supply and the cost is increasing by dollars on a daily basis. We expect to be held to averages and see costs continue to rise. Product is being harvested in both Salinas and Huron, with the better quality in Huron.
California leaf market is following iceberg and is much stronger. We are seeing a wide range on quality, with most arrivals showing some degree of tip/fringe burn.
Broccoli market is stronger as supplies are limited.
The cauliflower market is steady to stronger. Quality has been good.
Carrot market has gotten a bit stronger coming out of Canada for next week.
The celery market is higher as Salinas is winding down and Oxnard is just starting. The Thanksgiving pull will begin next week and we expect costs to rise through the holiday.
Strawberry market is tight as shippers have experienced rain. We are being told to expect some quality issues on inbound.
Market is up again on new crop Burbank’s, product has remained on the tight side for next week and trucks are extremely tight.
The market is steady going into next week, product is plentiful and quality has been very nice.
The lemon market is steady for next week. There seems to be better availability from Mexico and to a lesser extent California. Navels are in full swing with larger sizes commanding more money. Lime market is steady to higher.
Market has gotten stronger going into next week Georgia is done and Florida has begun. Product overall has been good.
Pepper market also has taken a jump at the end of this week and going into next week, product is tight but quality is good.
Tomato market is adjusting down with more growers starting in Florida. Overall, quality has been fair to good.
Feature of the Week
This week Primo is featuring kalettes. Kalettes are a brand new vegetable that are a fresh fusion of sweet and nutty. Not only do they have great flavor but Kalettes are also incredibly versatile and can be cooked in a variety of ways
Recipe of the Week
Kalettes Salad with Apples and Bacon
5 ounces Kalettes™
1/8 cup apple cider vinegar1/8 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 teaspoon salt, divided1/4 teaspoon salt, divided
1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 apple, cored and sliced1 apple, cored and sliced
2 slices of bacon2 slices of bacon
1 onion, sliced1 onion, sliced
Slice stem end from of Kalettes, allowing some leaves to fall loose and leaving center leaves intact. In salad bowl, add Kalettes and drizzle with vinegar. Sprinkle with 1/8 teaspoon salt and toss to coat. Set aside for 10 minutes.
In a skillet over medium, add two slices of bacon. Cook until brown and slightly crunchy. Remove bacon from pan, leaving grease, and drain on paper towel. Add sliced onion to pan and sautee over medium high until carmelized, about 10-15 minute. When bacon is cool, crumble into small pieces.
In a measuring cup, add extra virgin olive oil, orange zest, 1/8 teaspoon salt and pepper to taste. Shake or stir to combine dressing. Add the sliced apple, bacon and onions to bowl with Kalettes. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss to coat.