October 26- November 1, 2014
Market Outlook
The Iceberg market is very active. Shippers are in short supply and selling out each day. We expect to be held to averages and see higher costs. A few shippers have started in Huron and are reporting light weight and color.
California leaf market is steady to stronger. We are seeing a wide range on quality. Quality has been fair to good with romaine showing fringe/tip burn and occasional mildew.
Broccoli market is stronger as supplies are limited. Shippers are running into quality defects and having to bypass some lots which is driving markets higher.
The cauliflower market has rebounded and is on the way back up. Quality has been good.
Carrot market has remained steady for this week with good product coming out of Canada.
The celery market is steady. Quality has been good overall.
Strawberry market remains tight, but quality is improving with the move to Oxnard and Santa Maria.
Market is up again for next week, potatoes are on the tight side as growers move from field run product to storage crop. We expect this trend to continue through week 46. Quality has been very good.
The market is steady going into next week, product is plentiful and quality has been very nice.
The lemon market is adjusting down. There seems to be better availability from Mexico and to a lesser extent California. We will see our first of the season Navels arrive towards the end of week 44. Costs will be higher on the larger fruit. Lime market is higher due to repeated storms and heavy rains in Mexico.
Market has come off now that the south is in full swing on cucumbers, product has been very nice on arrival.
Pepper market is mostly steady for next week. Quality has been nice but sizing is still an issue.
Tomato market on all tomato items remains at elevated levels as production in all growing areas has fallen off considerably. We look for supplies to be limited with fair to good quality until week 46 or 47. Overall, quality has been good.
Feature of the Week
This week Primo is featuring POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice. A little sweet, a little tart, and a whole lot of healthy. Powered by pomegranate antioxidants, it’s authentic, delicious and 100% pure. There is no added sugar*, colorants or cheap filler juices. Over $35 million has been provided as part of POM’s commitment to scientific research on POM products worldwide, so raise a glass to life and to the pursuit of healthiness.
Recipe of the Week
POM Sorbet
4 cups juice from POM Wonderful Pomegranates or 4 cups POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice 2 tablespoons corn syrup 1/2 cup sugar
Garnish: Fresh mint leaves
1. Prepare fresh pomegranate juice, if necessary.* 2. Place 4 cups pomegranate juice in a pot with the corn syrup and sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat, whisking to combine and ensuring the sugar completely dissolves. 3. Allow to cool. 4. For best results, freeze according to ice cream maker manufacturer’s instructions. Alternately, if you do not have an ice cream maker, freeze it in a tall canister for 1 1/2 hours. Remove and stir with a whisk. return to the freezer once an hour for about 4 hours. the more your stir, the more air will be incorporated, and the lighter the finished product. 5. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and serve.