January 14 – 19, 2013
Primo’s Outlook
Market is much stronger. We are beginning to see minor quality defects on inbound shipments.
Romaine and leaf markets are much stronger. Overall quality has been very good, but we are seeing occasional issues.
Market is much stronger. Shippers are very short on product and pro-rating. Quality has been good, but seeing some reports of pin rot.
Cauliflower market is rebounding and expected to go higher. Quality has been very good.
Georgia has started with new crop. Some reports of quality starting to slip on some Canadian product. We will have new crop towards the end of next week. Cost will be higher.
Celery market has remained steady to up a few dollars. Quality has been very good.
Florida berry quality has been good overall. Market has been steady.
Idaho market has continued on the steady side with freight cost still up. Smaller counts are much harder to come by than larger counts.
Onion market is on fire. Price is going up on a daily basis. Market is expected to continue to rise into next week.
Market is steady on navels and lemons. Quality has been good. Excellent value.
Market on cucumbers is up sharply with quality fair to good only.
Market has remained steady with very good quality.
Tomato market is steady to lower on rounds as shippers move into better supplies. Grapes, cherries, and romas are steady.
Red grapes will be higher as we move into the offshore deal and supplies are short.
The cold weather continues in the Arizona desert and along with that, ice in the fields in the mornings is slowing down both the crops and the harvest. This weather pattern is contributing to higher costs across the board. All products are very short, and markets are extremely active. We can expect pro-rates and shortages at shipping point.
Feature of the Week
Superbowl is coming soon, are you ready? We have pre-cut celery sticks to accompany your hot wings. Simply open the bag and serve! There are more important things to do than to cut up celery sticks. Cases are packed with 4 – 5 pound bags per case, or you may order them by the bag.
Celery is an excellent source of bone-healthy vitamin K, and it is a very good source of heart-healthy dietary fiber, potassium, and folate. Celery is also a good source of immune-supportive vitamin A and vitamin C, bone-building calcium and magnesium, as well as energy-producing vitamin B2 and vitamin B5.
Recipe of the Week
Buffalo-Style Celery Sticks
4 ounces blue cheese
2 ounces cream cheese
18 celery sticks
Cayenne pepper
In a small bowl combine 2 ounces each of blue cheese and cream cheese, and mix until smooth. With a small spoon or knife, stuff the celery sticks with the cheese mixture. Crumble another 2 ounces blue cheese on top, and sprinkle lightly with cayenne pepper.
Fun Facts of the Week
Celery Trivia Facts:
* The use of a celery stick to garnish a Bloody Mary originated in the 1960s atChicago’s Ambassador East Hotel. An unnamed celebrity got a Bloody Mary, but no swizzle stick. He grabbed a stalk of celery from the relish tray to stir his Bloody Mary, and history was made.
* Supposedly, it takes more calories to eat and digest celery than there are in the celery.
* In its 1897 catalog, Sears Roebuck & Co. advertised a celery nerve tonic for sale.
*Californiaproduces more than 2/3rds of the celery grown in the U.S.