September 17- September 23, 2017
Market Outlook
The lettuce market is back down again and near bottom for next week. Very warm temperatures are bringing fields forward and we are in an oversupply situation. Quality remains good overall, although we will have to watch closely in coming weeks for effects from the heat.
Romaine is steady to up a few dollars as shippers are running into lower yields in Salinas. Romaine hearts are also higher. Quality has been good on all Romaine items, but we are expecting that quality may slip from the heat. Green leaf is up a few dollars and Red leaf is steady. Quality has been good on leaf overall.
The Broccoli market is up significantly in California with the recent heat affecting yields. We will see shortages in the near term resulting in shippers pro-rating and or holding to average purchases. Quality has been good on inbound.
The cauliflower market is following broccoli up due to lower yields. Quality has been good on inbound.
The carrot market settled in a few dollars lower for next week as Canadian product is in full swing. Quality has been very nice.
The celery market is steady with good quality out of California. Also have Michigan and Canada product to offer.
Market remains on the stronger side with limited supplies of good quality fruit. Overall, quality is only fair to good. We are seeing some minor bruising and an occasional soft berry.
The Idaho market has come off slightly as shippers move into better supplies. Quality on the new crop Norkotahs has been very good.
The Western onion market is staying steady / strong for next week as product is just a bit on the short side. Quality has been very good.
The California lemon market is steady. We are seeing good quality overall. We have great quality Chilean lemons to offer. Oranges remain high with limited availability. Small fruit 113/138 size is very tight. Quality has been fair to good. The Lime market remains steady, but elevated for next week. Overall, we are seeing good quality on inbound.
The cucumber market has taken a turn upward due to weather related issues. Cucumbers availability is extremely tight moving into next week.
The green pepper market is steady. Good volume and quality coming in from New Jersey.
The round tomato market is much stronger with light availability on both the East and West coasts. Virginia is currently gapping. We are seeing mostly good quality. The grape tomato market is much stronger again with great demand and light availability. Cherry tomatoes are steady and showing good quality. The Roma market remains strong with very limited supplies from Mexico and California. Demand is high and quality remains good.
Hurricane Irma
The long- term effect of Irma remains to be seen, but we should expect some challenges for the beginning of the fall/ winter season when supplies typically move back to Georgia and Florida in mid to late October. In the near term, we can expect light to poor availability and very high costs on items typically brought into South Florida from South America. Asparagus, French beans, sno/snap peas and mini vegetables are in very short supply.
Recipe of the Week
Pear, blue cheese and walnut salad with a maple syrup vinaigrette
2 generous handfuls rocket (leaves of your choice)
2 pears, sliced
150g blue cheese, broken into chunks
50g crushed walnuts for sprinkling
60ml olive oil (4 Tbs)
30 ml red wine vinegar (2 Tbs)
20ml maple syrup (1 Tbs and 1 tsp)
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
Place the salad ingredients in a bowl or arrange on a platter.
Mix the vinaigrette dressing ingredients in a small jar and shake well before drizzling over the salad.
Its best to make the salad just before serving as the pears go brown very quickly