September 24- September 30, 2017
Market Outlook
The lettuce market is steady from last week and a very good value. We remain in an over-supply situation. Quality remains good overall.
Romaine market is steady. Romaine hearts are a little higher. Quality has been good on all Romaine items. Green leaf and Red leaf are just a little higher. Quality has been good on leaf overall.
The Broccoli market is up significantly from last week. in California with the recent heat affecting yields. We will see shortages in the near term resulting in shippers pro-rating and or holding to average purchases. Quality has been good on inbound.
The cauliflower market is steady from last week. Quality has been good on inbound.
The carrot market has remained steady for next week with good supplies and great quality out of Canada.
The celery market remains steady with good quality out of California. Also have Michigan and Canada product to offer.
Market remains on the stronger side with limited supplies of good quality fruit. Overall, quality is only fair to good. We are seeing some minor bruising and an occasional soft berry.
The Idaho market is easing off with shippers into good supply. Quality has been very nice on new crop Norkotahs.
The Western onion market continues to rise with product and freight on the tight side.
The California lemon market is steady. We are seeing good quality overall. The Chilean deal is about wrapped up. we will have some Mexican product landing middle of week 39. Oranges remain high with limited availability. Small fruit 113/138 size is near impossible to find. Quality has been fair to good. The Lime market remains steady for next week. Overall, we are seeing good quality on inbound.
The cucumber market has stayed elevated for next week with many areas affected by weather. Quality has been good overall.
The green pepper market is up slightly with good quality coming out of New Jersey.
The round tomato market remains strong with light availability on both the East and West coasts. We are seeing mostly good quality. The grape tomato market steady to lower. Cherry tomatoes are steady and showing good quality. The Roma market is easing with supplies improving in Mexico. Demand is high and quality remains good.
Recipe of the Week
Baked Apples
Wash and Core 3 to 4 Large Apples
Mix the following in a bowl
1/2 C. Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp Flour
1 tsp. Cinnamon
Fill each Apple with this mixture on the inside, don’t worry it will melt down a lot during the baking process.
Place 1 Tbsp. of Butter on top of each Apple.
Add 1/3 C. of Boiling Water to the bottom of your pan and cover tightly.
Bake at 350 Degrees for 45 minutes.
Serve Warm alone or with Ice Cream!